THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY OF THE MONTH MAY. The month of May is ordinarily like any and every other. It runs through its allotted number of weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. And as usual human beings carried out their daily activities. And characteristically, a lot happened therein: good, bad, ugly and the unspeakable. But May of this year has so many memorable events that shaped the month and thereby make it unforgettable. VICTOR OSIMHEN: The month began on a good, promising and fulfilling note with two of our youths doing the country proud in distant lands, oyinbo man's country, Europe-Italy and London to be precise. First was the feat atrained by our only world-class footballer: dark-skinned, tall, lanky and speedy striker Victor Osimhen of Napoli football club. The young guy helped Napoli to win the Scudetto, breaking a 37 year jinx in the process and thereby replicating the feat attained by the inimitable Argentine playmaker Diego Amando ...
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